Automate merge pull requests action with customizable conditions

You can create a set of rules using this functionality to handle merge pull requests automatically.

Note: To perform the merge pull request action, the condition Pull request is open is mandatory. Without this condition, the merge pull request action will not work.

Customizable conditions with All of the above conditions constraint

  1. Pull request is open

  2. Specified checks should be passed

  3. Specified checks should be passed and specified label should present on the pull request

  4. Specified checks should be passed and specified label should present on the pull request and the pull request should opened by the configured user

Customizable conditions with Any of the above conditions constraint

  1. At least one of the specified checks should pass

  2. At least one of the specified labels should be present on the pull request

  3. At least one of the specified checks should pass or At least one of the specified labels should be present on the pull request

  4. At least one of the specified checks should pass or At least one of the specified labels should be present on the pull request or pull request should opened by the configured user